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Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-18.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Staff Research Activities

Principal and all the faculty member of the college are active in research and have published their postgraduate research project at national level journals. Principal and all the faculty members guide research projects to fourth B.Sc. Nursing students in different nursing specialties as per syllabus which fulfills the aim of quality of nursing education, administration and Community Health Nursing. Students research project report are appreciated by the visitors at the time of Indian Nursing Council - New Delhi, Maharashtra Nursing Council - Mumbai, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences - Nashik inspections. Till now 161 undergraduate research project completed and 2 undergraduate research project were going to complete, 48 post graduate research project completed and 17 post graduate research project were going to complete, 4 PhD. Projects are under process. Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth has funded the 6 research project were completed and 5 research project are under process.

RRC Statement 2015
Teaching Faculty
Sr. No Name of the Faculty Statement
1 Mrs. Martha Raut A study to assess the effect of Planned teaching regarding common investigations in pregnancy among women in reproductive age group in selected areas of PCMC
2 Ms. Manisha Gaikwad A study to assess knowledge regarding risk factors of myocardial infraction among the hypertensive patients attending medical OPD of selected hospitals in view to prepare SIM.
3 Mrs. Kavita Kelkar A study to assess the knowledge regarding osteoporosis among women residing in selected slums PCMC
Research Projects Completed
Sr. No. Faculty Project
1. Mrs. Khurshid Jamadar "A study to assess the stress level of patients taking insulin therapy and their coping mechanism."
2. Mrs. Rupali Salvi "A study to assess antenatal examination with the help of OSCE among final year B. Sc. Nursing students of Dr. D. Y. Patil College of nursing. "
3. Mrs. Sadhna Adhyapak "A study to assess effect of health teaching of regarding low back pain among sedentary workers of Dr. D. Y. Patil Pratishthan."
4. Ms. Vaishali Jagtap "A study to assess the knowledge of Management of convulsion in children among parents."
5. Mrs. Nisha Naik " A study to assess the effectiveness of bibliography therapy among senior citizens suffering with first stage of dementia in institutionalized client of Pune city. "
6. Mrs. Shweta Joshi "A Study to assess the effect of BKC on maternal & fetal outcomes admitted in Dr. D. Y. patil Hospital."
Research Projects in Process
Sr. No. Faculty Project
1. Ms.Sucheta Yangad “A study to assess the Quality of life among patients suffering with Heart diseases at selected hospitals of PCMC”.
2. Mrs.Jayabala Joshi “A study to assess the effectiveness of self instructional module with reference to the knowledge of Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, among adolescent girls in selected colleges of Pimpri, Chinchwad.
3. Mr.D.Priya “A study to assess the habit of television viewing and its impact on the weight status and behaviour of school age children in selected schools of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal corporation.
4. Mr.Sandeep Kale “A study to assess the knowledge regarding road safety measures and prevention of accidents among two wheelers teenage riders in selected pre-University colleges.”
5. Ms.Seema Chavan “A study to assess the risk factors for menstrual irregularities among the nursing students at Pad. Dr.D. Y.Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri, Pune-18.”