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Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing
Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Pune-18.
Accredited (3rd Cycle) by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.64 on four point scale at ‘A++’ Grade

Faculty Development Programmes

Faculty Development Programmes List 2023-24
Year Name of teachers who attended Faculty Development Programmes (including online programmes) Total number of teachers Title of the Programme Dates and Duration
        From – To
2023-2024 Mrs. D. Priya 1 NEP 2020 Orientation & Sensitization Programme 03/06/2024-11/06/2024
2023-2024 Mrs. Martha Raut 1 National Youth day 31/01/2024-01/02/2024
2023-2024 Mrs. Naziya Sutar 1 Training webinar on thesis writing & thesis defence 16/03/2024
2023-2024 Mrs. Martha Raut 1 Workshop on Challenges &opportunities for sustainable geriateric Health 11/07/2023
2023-2024 Mrs. Martha Raut 1 National Youth day awarded as judge 02/01/2024
2023-2024 Mrs. Naziya Sutar 1   16/03/2024
Faculty Development Unit Programmes List 2022-23
Sr. No. Name of the Programe Date No. Of Participants
1. International Workshop on “Nursing Education Policies in India and Norway”  24-11-22 60
2. “Workshop on “Good Clinical Practice” 01-02-23 26
3.  workshop on Training Program on Life Skill and employability 17-02-23


4. International e-Conference On “Contemporary Horizon In Neuroscience Nursing” 22-08-22 to 23-08-22


5. Workshop on basic Life Support 20-12-22 ---
6. CNE on Communication 23-09-22 60
7. Workshop on -Fundamentals of Health Professions Education 22-05-23 to 26-05-23 06
8. Workshop on -Fundamentals of Health Professions Education 21-11-22 to 25-11-22 06
9. Training and Application of ICT Tool 03-09-22 63
10. Workshop on -Fundamentals of Teaching Learning in Health Professions Education 19-7-23 to 21-07-23 03
11. Workshop on Fundamentals of Assessment in Health Professions Education 24-07-23 to 25-07-23 03
Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Programe Date
1 Mrs. Jayabala Aghamkar International Workshop on “Nursing Education Policies in India and Norway”  24-11-22
2 Ms. Namrata Thakre “Workshop on “Good Clinical Practice” 01-02-23
3 Ms. Vaishali Jagtap CNE on Communication  23-09-22
4 Ms. Vaishali Jagtap Internal Auditor Training of QMS Based on ISO 9001:2015 25-04-23 to 26-04-23
5 Ms. Sucheta Yangad Training of trainers(TOT) on simulation based education 01-05-23 to 06-05-23
6 Mrs. Shahin Shikalgar CNE on “Technology Integration in Nursing Research” 30-06-23
7 Mr. Mhd Kareemuddin Shaikh CNE on “Technology Integration in Nursing Research” 30-06-23
8 Ms. Shraddha Pakhare CNE on “Technology Integration in Nursing Research” 30-06-23
9 Dr. Shweta Joshi IQAC workshop on preparation of documents(for AQAR) 12-07-23 to 25-07-23
10 Dr. Nisha Naik IQAC workshop on preparation of documents(for AQAR) 12-07-23 to 25-07-23
11 Ms. Pratiksha Sutar Workshop on -Fundamentals of Health Professions Education 22-05-23 to 26-05-23
12 Ms. Sonal Dhobe Workshop on -Fundamentals of Health Professions Education 21-11-22 to 25-11-22
13 Ms. Namrata Thakare Workshop on -Fundamentals of Teaching Learning in Health Professions Education 19-07-23 to 21-07-23
14 Ms. Madhuri Rathod Workshop on -Fundamentals of Assessment in Health Professions Education 24-07-23 to 25-07-23
15 Shahin Shikalgar Live Training Webinar On Plagiarism, Editing and Proofreading for Research Scholars. 15-07-23
16 Dr. Khurshid Jamadar National Seminar on Implementation of Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) in Higher Education Institutions 21-03-23
17 Dr. Khurshid Jamadar CNE on Lactation Counselling 26-04-23
18 Ms. Shubahshree Dhir Training program on “ Onsite Skill Standardization and Simulation Training” 05-09-22 to 09-09-22
19 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak International e-Conference On “Contemporary Horizon In Neuroscience Nursing” 22-08-22 to 23-08-22
Professional Development Programme Organized for Teaching Staff 2021-2022
Sr. No. Title Date Name of Resource Person No. of Delegates Attended
1. E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri pune-18 169
2. Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-21 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri pune-18 72
3 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri pune-18 45
4 Micro teaching 18-02-22 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri pune-18 98
5 Lesson Planning 18-04-22 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri 65
6 Manuscript Writing 22-06-22 Professional Education and Faculty Development Unit Dr D Y Patil College of Nursing, Pimpri pune-18 40
Year Name of teachers who attended Faculty Development Programmes (including online programmes) Total number of teachers Title of the Programme Dates and Duration From – To
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Nisha Naik 1 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jasmin Sijo 1 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jithya PM 1 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Rupali Salvi 1 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 ---
2021-2022 Mrs Avnee Naik 2 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 27-08-21 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jayabala Aghamkar --- Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning --- ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak 1 Yoga For Unity and Wellbeing E-workshop on Eclectic Approaches in Teaching Learning 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Nisha Naik 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jasmin Shijo 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs Shweta Joshi 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Rupali Salvi 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs Avnee Naik 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jayabala Aghamkar 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak 1 Innovative approaches to content delivery and assessment of student learner. 12-11-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Kavita Kelkar 1 E Workshop on Nursing theories 28-01-21 30-01-21
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Nisha Naik 1 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jasmin Shijo 1 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Shweta Joshi 1 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Rupali Salvi Dr Ms Sucheta Yangad 2 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 ---
2021-2022 Ms Vaishali Jagtap 2 Curriculum Mapping 25-01-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jayabala Aghamkar --- Curriculum Mapping --- ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak Dr Mrs. Kavita Kelkar 2 Curriculum Mapping 25-1-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs. Nisha Naik 1 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jasmin Shijo 1 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr Mrs Shweta Joshi Mrs Avnee Naik 2 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Rupali Salvi Dr Ms Sucheta Yangad 2 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 Ms Vaishali Jagtap 1 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 Mrs. Jayabala Aghamkar 1 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Sadhana Adhyapak Mrs Martha Raut 2 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ---
2021-2022 Dr. Mrs. Kavita Kelkar 1 Micro teaching 18-2-22 ----
Professional Development Programme Organized for Teaching Staff 2020-2021
Year Title of the professional development Programme organized for teaching staff Dates No. of participants
2020-2021 Online seminar on Emotional wellbeing in COVID-19 Pandemic 13-11-20 3
2020-2021 CNE on basics of the ECG interpretation 25-11-20 4
2020-2021 CNE on COVID-19 Vaccination And post vaccination care 03-05-21 4
2020-2021 National e-Conference on "Entice Synthesis in nurturing young ones." 23-03-21 7
2020-2021 E-workshop on ME , Mine and COVID-19 30-04-21 7
2020-2021 E-Workshop on health facility preparedness and readiness for COVID-19 -Role of community health nurse 07-06-21 6
2020-2021 Online seminar on Future of online learners 30-07-21 5
Faculty Development Programme 2020-2021
No Name of faculty Title of the programme Organised by Dates Type of programme
1 Dr Shweta Joshi, Ms Vaishali Jagtap, Mrs. D Priya LACTOCON Conference 2019 Pune Obstetric and Gynecology Society Association with FOGSI, Pune 11-08-19 Workshop
2 Dr. Mrs Rupali Salvi, Mrs Avnee Naik Seminar on Managing Infection Control-Selecting the Right Glove Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council, Pune 07-11-19 Seminar
3 Ms Manisha Rahul Padekar, Ms Leena V Nadar, Mrs Neha Patil, Ms A Adhira, Mrs Asha
Ms Nikhila Nair, Mrs Ashwini Kharat, Mrs Ashwini Sakarkhar
1st International conference on Research ideas in Nursing"Enough light to illuminate the dark tunnel" Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai. 08-11-19 to 09-11-19 Conference
4 Dr Mrs Rupali Salvi National Workshop on Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics S S Agrawal College of Nursing and Reseach Centre, Navasari, Gujurat. 07-01-20 Workshop
5 Ms Manisha Rahul Padekar, Ms Leena V Nadar, Mrs Neha Patil, Ms A Adhira, Mrs Asha,
Ms Nikhila Nair, Mrs Ashwini Kharat, Mrs Ashwini Sakarkhar
National Conference on Cultural Competancy in Global Health Care Industry Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune 14-01-20 Conference
6 Mrs Kavita Kelkar, Mrs Jithya PM, Mrs Surekha Kasab, Mrs Avnee Naik, Mrs Martha Raut National Seminar on New Dimensions of Women Empowerment Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth Institute of Distance Learning in Collaboration with Association of Indian Universities(AIU) 17-01-20 to 18-01-20 Seminar
7 Ms Manisha Rahul Padekar, Ms Leena V Nadar, Mrs Neha Patil, Ms A Adhira, Mrs Asha, Ms Nikhila Nair,
Mrs Ashwini Kharat, Mrs Ashwini Sakarkhar, Mrs D Priya,
Ms Vaishali Jagtap, Dr Mrs Shweta Joshi, Dr Mrs Nisha Naik,
Dr Mrs Sucheta Yangad, Mrs Martha Raut, Mrs Jaybala Agamkar, Dr Mrs Sadhana Adyapak, Mrs Kavita
Kelkar, Mrs Ceena Bejoy, Mrs Avnee Naik, Mrs Jasmin Shijo,
Mrs Jithya PM, Mrs Pooja Nikam, Mrs Heera Bhalerao, Ms Gurpreet Bumrah,
Ms Sonali Vaidhya, Mrs Nidhi Rajput
UNMESH Dr D Y Patil Vidyapeeth, Pimpri, Pune 27-02-20 to 28-02-20 Science Festival
8 Mrs D Priya Webinar on COVID-19 Awareness and Management Medvasity In Partnership with NATHEALTH & FICCI 09-04-20 Webinar
9 Mrs D Priya Virtual simulation and Peer to Peer training Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai 16-07-20 Workshop
10 Dr Mrs Nisha Naik Virtual hands on workshop on Meta Analysis Dr D Y Patil Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune 21-07-20 to 22-07-20 Workshop
11 Mrs D Priya
12 Mrs D Priya Web seminar series II -Ethical consideration in pediatrics Vinayak Mission's Annapoorana College of Nursing, Selam 27-07-20 Webinar